
by חסדי ל"ב



Objectives of the game:- Raise awareness among children for the purpose of smart financial management.- Teach children basic concepts in financial management.- Allow children to feel how wrong financial decisions affect a familys future.- Allow children to experiment with making informed and quick decisions if necessary.Who we are?Shekel is a program that works to raise awareness of the issue of smart management of money, as well as to provide children and youth with financial skills, and to give them opportunities to manage and conduct themselves in a smart and informed manner. Shekel runs a program for financial education in elementary schools; Peak days and various activities as the need arises from the field in accordance with the target audience.This activity is a non-profit social activity of the Chesdei Lev organization that works to build economic resilience for families in Israel.Why financial education?Economic education is a vital milestone in shaping the adult life of each of us. The idea of ​​imparting financial literacy education stems from the perception that in addition to cognitive and emotional intelligence, there is also financial intelligence, in which skills must be developed and acquired. Unlike the other two categories of intelligence, which are also based on a genetic component, in the financial one, we are talking mainly about acquired and evolving intelligence. Therefore, the sooner we provide economic education and provide our children with a challenging and enjoyable playground for training in this new field of knowledge, the more we will provide them with the tools they need to become and become mature and independent people, who are also financially independent.